Workshop on Continuing Education: Short Courses for Industry (EOSAM 2012)

Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre, Scotland (GB)
25 September 2012 - 28 September 2012
Submission Timeframe: 
20 August 2012 - 28 August 2012
General Chair(s): 
  • Pierre Chavel - Institut d'Optique / CNRS / France
  • Christopher Dainty - National University of Ireland / Ireland
  • Paul Urbach - Delft University of Technology / Netherlands


Continuing education is an essential need in modern society, in particular for those involved with new technologies. Optics and photonics are no exceptions. There is a constant need to train and retrain optical engineers who have existing professional experience, but need to adjust to new technologies or broaden their scope to increase their capacity for innovation. The challenge in optics and photonics, in fact, is broader than in some other domains, because of the considerable diversity of optical technologies and of the many fields of applications. This one-day workshop will gather together training providers, employers and potential trainees with various experience of the process of continuing education. Ideas will be shared to boost initiatives, by discussing the following issues:
  • At which levels should continuing education focus?
  • How short should a short course be?
  • If it is clear that the need exists, how can the finances be secured to fill the need?
  • How do you organise homogeneous groups of attendees, and how important is it to do so?
  • Given constraints on time and financial means, how can the organisations offering training best adjust to the needs of the employers: distance to be travelled, language requirements, group size, etc.
  • How important is it that these courses offer continuing education credits?
  • Where is the distinction between continuing education and consulting?
  • Compared to other parts of the world, is there one European model of continuing education in Optics and Photonics, should there be one, and what are the currently prevailing models in various parts of Europe?

Final Programme

The Final Programme is now online: Final Programme (pdf-file, 1.51 MB).


Invited Speakers

  • Pablo Benitez, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (ES)
  • Jean-Louis Meyzonnette, Institut d'Optique - Graduate School (FR)
  • Laurent Sarger, Univ. Bordeaux I and Elisabeth Boeri, Bordeaux Route des Lasers PYLA (FR)
  • Ilka Zajons, LZH Laser Akademie (DE)


Abstract submission

Opening of submission 2 April 2012
Deadline for abstract submission 7 May 2012
Notification to authors 8 June 2012
Abstracts can only be submitted online via Authors are requested to submit an extended abstract of a minimum of one page and a maximum of two pages with at least one figure. The abstract must be formatted according to the EOS abstract guidelines, which can be downloaded at
Contributions will be accepted for oral and poster presentation. Please indicate your preference. All accepted contributions are to be published on the EOSAM 2012 digest CD-ROM (ISBN numbered) which will be available on-site. At least one author is requested to register for the meeting separately from abstract submission. The registration includes admission to all Topical Meetings, the workshop, special events and the exhibition.

Paper publication in JEOS:RP

Attendees of EOSAM 2012 receive a 20% discount on the publication rate for JEOS:RP (Journal of the European Optical Society: Rapid Publications). The paper submitted must be an original contribution that is connected to EOSAM 2012 and will be reviewed against JEOS:RP's regular standards for insight, quality and novelty.
JEOS:RP is a peer-reviewed open-access journal at The 2011 Impact Factor: 1.019

Paper submission deadline: 30 November 2012

Special publication fee for standard papers of EOS attendees

  • 280 € (instead of 350 €) for full EOS members
  • 320 € (instead of 400 €) for non EOS members

For further information please see:


General information about EOSAM 2012

For general information about EOSAM 2012 please see or download the Final Programme here.


Invitation Letters

If you require an invitation letter for this meeting, please fill in the invitation letter form:



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