TOM 2 - Silicon Photonics (EOSAM 2012)
- Ralf Bergmann - BIAS - Bremer Institut für angewandte Strahltechnik GmbH / Germany
- Alberto Garcia-Ortiz - University of Bremen / Germany
- Graham Reed - University of Southampton / United Kingdom
- Mario Bertolotti - Università La Sapienza Di Roma / Italy
- José Capmany - Universidad Politécnica Valencia / Spain
- Laurent Fulbert - CEA-LETI Minatec / France
- Christine Harendt - Institut Fuer Mikroelektronik Stuttgart / Germany
- Thomas F. Krauss - SUPA, University of St. Andrews / United Kingdom
- Malgorzata Kujawinska - Warsaw University of Technology / Poland
- Walter Lang - Institut für Mikrosensoren, -aktoren und –systeme (IMSAS) / Germany
- Stefan Maier - Imperial College London / United Kingdom
- Lorenzo Pavesi - Universita Di Trento / Italy
- Klaus Petermann - TU Berlin / Germany
- Roberta Ramponi - Politecnico Di Milano / Italy
- Concita Sibilia - Universita' La Sapienza / Italy
- Ralf Bergmann - BIAS - Bremer Institut für angewandte Strahltechnik GmbH / Germany
- Alberto Garcia-Ortiz - University of Bremen / Germany
- Graham Reed - University of Southampton / United Kingdom
Novel developments and applications in the field of silicon photonics and related areas, ranging from optical interconnects to sensing applications will revolutionize conventional microelectronics. Potential topics include, but are not limited to the design, simulation, modeling and fabrication of optical inter-connects (board to board, chip to chip or on chip), e.g. active optical cabels (AOCs), optical on chip routing architectures, clock distribution and tech-nologies as well as related design concepts for high speed, low power photonic integrated circuits (PICs). Also (CMOS-compatible) optical sources and de-tectors and the optimization of light emission and absorption for data processing using materials such as SiGe or III/Vs etc. will be discussed. Advanced monolithic or hybrid processing techniques for the fabrication of photonic structures on Si such as 3D-Laser-lithograhy, nano-imprint techniques or self assembly will be considered. Following the developments described above, optical on chip data processing all the way to optical computing may lead to disruptive technologies to be discussed at this topical meeting.
Final Programme
The Final Programme is now online: Final Programme (pdf-file, 1.51 MB).
Plenary Speaker
- Mike Wale, Oclaro Technology (GB)
Invited Speakers
- Massimo Cazzanelli, University of Trento (IT)
- David Cumming, Glasgow University (GB)
- Fred Gardes, University of Southhampton (GB)
- Robert W. Kelsall, University of Leeds (GB)
- Juerg Leuthold, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) (DE)
- Douglas J. Paul, University of Glasgow (GB)
- Laurent Vivien, Université Paris Sud (FR)
- Design, simulation, modeling and fabrication of photonic structures, components and devices for Si-photonics and related materials
- Optical interconnects ranging from optical board to board cables to on chip routing architectures and data processing technologies
- Design concepts especially for high speed, low power photonic integrated circuits (PICs)
- Monolithic or hybrid (CMOS-compatible) optical sources and detectors for data processing using SiGe, III/V compounds or alternative materials
- Concepts for optical computing
- Monolithic or hybrid techniques for the fabrication of photonic structures on Si (eg. 3D-Laser-litho-grahy, nano-imprint techniques, self assembly etc.
- Developments in nano photonic materials with tailored optical properties for Si-Photonics
- Assembly and packaging techniques
- Future concepts for manufacturing Si-photonics (e.g. foundry concepts or alternative approaches)
Abstract submission
Opening of submission | 2 April 2012 |
Deadline for abstract submission | 7 May 2012 |
Notification to authors | 8 June 2012 |
Springer Award for Students
Paper publication in JEOS:RP
Attendees of EOSAM 2012 receive a 20% discount on the publication rate for JEOS:RP (Journal of the European Optical Society: Rapid Publications). The paper submitted must be an original contribution that is connected to EOSAM 2012 and will be reviewed against JEOS:RP's regular standards for insight, quality and novelty.
JEOS:RP is a peer-reviewed open-access journal at The 2011 Impact Factor: 1.019
Paper submission deadline: 30 November 2012
Special publication fee for standard papers of EOS attendees
- 280 € (instead of 350 €) for full EOS members
- 320 € (instead of 400 €) for non EOS members
For further information please see:
General information about EOSAM 2012
For general information about EOSAM 2012 please see or download the Final Programme here.
Invitation Letters
If you require an invitation letter for this meeting, please fill in the invitation letter form:
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30419 Hannover, Germany
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