TOM 5 - Organic Photonics & Electronics (EOSAM 2012)
- Guglielmo Lanzani - Politecnico Di Milano / Italy
- David G. Lidzey - University of Sheffield / United Kingdom
- David Beljonne - Université de Mons / Belgium
- Davide Comoretto - Università di Genova / Italy
- Jochen Feldmann - Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität / Germany
- Neil Greenham - Clare College Cambridge / United Kingdom
- Olle Inganäs - Linköping University / Sweden
- René Janssen - Eindhoven University of Technology / Netherlands
- Michele Muccini - Institute for Nanostructured Materials CNR Bologna (ISMN) / Italy
- Henry Snaith - Jesus College Oxford / United Kingdom
- Graham A. Turnbull - University of St Andrews / United Kingdom
- Margherita Zavelani-Rossi - Politecnico di Milano / Italy
- Joseph Zyss - ENS de Cachan / France
- Guglielmo Lanzani - Politecnico Di Milano / Italy
- David G. Lidzey - University of Sheffield / United Kingdom
Organic semiconductors are a broad class of materials that comprise small molecules, conjugated polymers and carbon based nano-structures. The molecular structure of such materials in many cases permit charge transport, efficient light-harvesting, the existence of stable excitations and high fluorescence quantum efficiency; attributes vital for a number of optoelectonic applications such as light emitting diodes, photovoltaics and field effect transistors.
By defining structure at sub-micron wavelength into organic media (either semiconducting or dielectric), the interaction between light and matter can be exploited to engineer novel effects. Here, a number of target applications have been identified including optical-sensors, lasers, optical-amplifiers, fibre-based communication systems and novel coatings. Finally, the combination of organic materials with inorganic semiconductors or biological systems opens a host of future looking possibilities.
This Topical Meeting aims to provide a forum for high-level presentations that focus on the fundamental properties or use of organic semiconducting or dielectric materials in electronics or photonics. Contributions that address fundamental materials properties through optical-spectroscopy or theoretical investigations are particularly welcome. The programme will allow for open discussions among participants leading to a fruitful exchange of ideas.
Final Programme
The Final Programme is now online: Final Programme (pdf-file, 1.51 MB).
Plenary Speaker
- Giuseppe Gigli, University of Salento (IT)
Invited Speakers
- William Barford, University of Oxford (GB)
- Robert Brückner, IAPP (DE)
- Mario Caironi, CNST-IIT@Polimi (IT)
- Antonio Facchetti, Polyera Corporation (US)
- Jan Klaers, University of Bonn (DE)
- K. S. Narayan, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (IN)
- Spectroscopy of functional organic materials
- Organic lasers and optical amplifiers
- Organic photonics: self-assembled vs top-down patterning
- OLEDs and OLETs
- Transport and conduction in organic devices
- Spectroscopy of functional organic materials
- Photovoltaics, dye-sensitised solar cells and photodetectors
- Organic optical or electrical sensors
- Organic micro and nano-cavities
- Hybrid organic/inorganic systems/biological devices and systems
- Theory of optical and electronic excitations
Abstract submission
Opening of submission | 2 April 2012 |
Deadline for abstract submission | 7 May 2012 |
Notification to authors | 8 June 2012 |
Springer Award for Students
Paper publication in JEOS:RP
Attendees of EOSAM 2012 receive a 20% discount on the publication rate for JEOS:RP (Journal of the European Optical Society: Rapid Publications). The paper submitted must be an original contribution that is connected to EOSAM 2012 and will be reviewed against JEOS:RP's regular standards for insight, quality and novelty.
JEOS:RP is a peer-reviewed open-access journal at The 2011 Impact Factor: 1.019
Paper submission deadline: 30 November 2012
Special publication fee for standard papers of EOS attendees
- 280 € (instead of 350 €) for full EOS members
- 320 € (instead of 400 €) for non EOS members
For further information please see:
General information about EOSAM 2012
For general information about EOSAM 2012 please see or download the Final Programme here.
Invitation Letters
If you require an invitation letter for this meeting, please fill in the invitation letter form:
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