EOSAM 2012 Special Events
EOS Welcome Reception
The EOS Welcome Reception is open to all attendees and exhibitors of EOSAM 2012.
Date: Tuesday, 25 September
Time: 18:30 - 20:30
Room: exhibition hall, Boyd Orr Suite
EOS Annual General Assembly
The EOS Annual General Assembly is open to all EOS members, attendees and exhibitors of EOSAM 2012.
Date: Wednesday, 26 September
Time: 18:00 - 20:00
Room: Fleming Auditorium
At the beginning of this year's Annual General Assembly the following Presidenial Talks will be held:
- Vector-wave holography and its application to optical mass storage
Toyohiko Yatagai, Utsunomiya University (JP)
Former President of the Optical Society of Japan (OSJ)
- The 3D light field display technique
Liu Xu, Zhejiang University (CN)
Vice President of the Chinese Optical Society (COS)
EOS Prize & Fellows 2011/2012 Award Ceremony
Date: Wednesday, 26 September
Time: 18:00 - 20:00
Room: Fleming Auditorium
EOS Prize 2011 & 2012
At this year‘s EOS Annual General Assembly the winners of the EOS Prize 2011 & 2012 will be arwarded.
The EOS Prize 2011 goes to:
Three-grating monolithic phase-mask for the single-order writing of large-period gratings
Yannick Bourgin¹, Ismo Vartiainen², Yves Jourlin¹, Markku Kuittinen², Frédéric Celle¹, Svetlen Tonchev¹, Olivier Parriaux1, Tapio Niemi³; ¹Université de Lyon, Laboratoire Hubert Curien, UMR CNRS 5516 (FR); ²University of Eastern Finland, Department of Physics and Mathematics (FI); ³Tampere University of Technology (FI).
The EOS Prize 2012 goes to:
Low cost production of computer-generated holograms: from design to optical evaluation
Ignacio Moreno¹, Antonio Martínez-Garciá¹, Lukasz Nieradko²,³, Jorge Albero², Christophe Gorecki²; ¹Dept. Ciencia de Materiales, Óptica y Tecnología Electrónica, Universidad Miguel Hernández (ES); ²Dépt. MN2S, FEMTO-ST (UMR CNRS 6174), UFR Sciences (FR); ³Wroclaw Research Center EIT+ (PL).
EOS Fellows 2011 & 2012
The EOS Prize Ceremony will be followed by the official announcement of the EOS Fellows for the years 2011 & 2012 and the awarding of their fellowship diplomas.
EOS Student Reception
The EOS Student Reception is open to all EOS Student Clubs and to all students attending EOSAM 2012.
Date: Wednesday, 26 September
Time: 20:00 - 22:00
Room: Concourse Area (entrance hall of the AECC)
Best Student Talk & Poster Awards Ceremony
The two best student presentations (oral and poster) of each topical meeting will be awarded a diploma, an EOS student membership and a book sponsored by Springer. The Best Student Talk & Poster Awards Ceremony is taking place at the end of each topical meeting.
General information about EOSAM 2012
For general information about EOSAM 2012 please see www.myeos.org/events/eosam2012 or download the Final Programme here.