Events Archive

Session II. Latest Advances in Freeform Optics (EOSMOC 2013)

International Congress Centre Munich (ICM), Germany
13 May 2013 - 15 May 2013
Submission Timeframe: 
9 January 2013 - 23 January 2013


Advancements in technology and innovative manufacturing processes are crucial for optical sector growth in today's global markets. Markets with high developmental momentum include the energy and semiconductor, life sciences, health care and the agri-food industries. Optical technologies play a crucial role in these markets, the importance of sophisticated but economically priced optical components being vital to new products and applications.

The 3rd EOS Conference on Manufacturing of Optical Components, EOSMOC 2013, will highlight significant technology trends, emerging technologies and associated prospective developments. This meeting provides a forum for all aspects of optics fabrication and testing, ranging from micro to large-scale optics and from high value one-off to mass-produced components.

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2nd EOS Conference on Optofluidics (EOSOF 2013)

International Congress Centre Munich (ICM), Germany
13 May 2013 - 15 May 2013
Submission Timeframe: 
9 January 2013 - 23 January 2013

Picture © Messe München GmbHEOSOF 2013 is held under the umbrella of the WORLD OF PHOTONICS CONGRESS 2013, the leading international congress for optical technologies in Europe (12 - 16 May 2013). (Photo © Messe München GmbH)

Advance programme
Pre-registration is closed, please register on-site at the EOS counter in the entrance hall.

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3rd EOS Topical Meeting on Blue Photonics® - Optics in the Sea (Blue Photonics 3)

Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ), Den Hoorn, Texel, Netherlands
18 March 2013 - 20 March 2013
Submission Timeframe: 
1 October 2012 - 3 December 2012


As of now, pre-registration for the conference is closed and again possible on-site.

The EOS registration desk will be open on Sunday, 17 March, from 19:00 - 20:30 during the icebreaker evening and on Monday, 18 March, from 08:00 on at the NIOZ.
Please check the Final Programme  (PDF, 1.65 KB) for more details! 


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TOM 6 - Nonlinear Photonics (EOSAM 2012)

Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre, Scotland (GB)
25 September 2012 - 28 September 2012
Submission Timeframe: 
20 August 2012 - 26 August 2012


Recent advances in nano- and micro-scale fabrication of photonic structures and materials have created a wave of research on nonlinear and quantum effects, which can happen with an unprecedented efficiency or bare previously unexpected properties.
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TOM 3 - Nanophotonics & Metamaterials (EOSAM 2012)

Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre, Scotland (GB)
25 September 2012 - 28 September 2012
Submission Timeframe: 
20 August 2012 - 26 August 2012


Both nanophotonics and optical metamaterials rely on our understanding of light-matter interaction on the nanoscale. Recent developments in this broad field are based on nanostructured dielectrics, semiconductors and metals and lead to applications and devices in which electromagnetic fields can be generated, manipulated and controlled in sub-wavelength structures. Nanophotonics and metamaterials pave the way to many novel applications in various technological areas spanning from biosensing and high-resolution imaging to optical information processing and energy harvesting. This Topical Meeting will cover all experimental and theoretical aspects of light interaction with nanoscale objects and nanostructured materials, new optical properties of nanostructured matter and their applications.


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TOM 7 - Optical Systems for the Energy & Production Industries (EOSAM 2012)

Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre, Scotland (GB)
25 September 2012 - 28 September 2012
Submission Timeframe: 
20 August 2012 - 26 August 2012


Optical systems have a proven track record of application in Europe’s manufacturing and production industries. As technical developments accelerate, optical systems are becoming more and more sophisticated, and complex applications are being tackled now that would never have been considered previously. Many of these techniques are now being transferred and exploited in the oil, gas and renewable energy sectors. In this Topical Meeting we will address fundamental aspects of optical systems engineering and their application in the energy and production industries.

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TOM 4 - Micro-Optics (EOSAM 2012)

Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre, Scotland (GB)
25 September 2012 - 28 September 2012
Submission Timeframe: 
20 August 2012 - 26 August 2012


This Topical Meeting is intended to provide an international forum for an update, review and exchange of scientific and technical breakthroughs and information covering a wide range of topics within the field of micro-optics, from fundamental theory and research to applications and systems.

Final Programme

The Final Programme is now online: Final Programme (pdf-file, 1.51 MB).


Plenary Speaker

  • Juergen Jahns, FernUniversitaet Hagen 


Invited Speakers

  • Robert Brunner, FH Jena (DE)
  • Eustace Dereniak, University of Arizona College of Optical Science (US)
  • Chauncey Graetzel, Optotune (CH)
  • Philippe Lalanne, Institut d'Optique (FR)
  • Christoph Marquardt, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light (MPL) (DE)
  • Olivier Parriaux, University of Lyon at Saint-Etienne (FR)


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Workshop on Continuing Education: Short Courses for Industry (EOSAM 2012)

Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre, Scotland (GB)
25 September 2012 - 28 September 2012
Submission Timeframe: 
20 August 2012 - 28 August 2012


Continuing education is an essential need in modern society, in particular for those involved with new technologies. Optics and photonics are no exceptions. There is a constant need to train and retrain optical engineers who have existing professional experience, but need to adjust to new technologies or broaden their scope to increase their capacity for innovation. The challenge in Optics and Photonics, in fact, is broader than in some other domains, because of the considerable diversity of optical technologies and of the many fields of applications. This one-day workshop will gather together training providers, employers and potential trainees with various experience of the process of continuing education.
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TOM 1 - Biophotonics: Optical Manipulation and OCT Imaging in Life Sciences and Medicine (EOSAM 2012)

Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre, Scotland (UK)
25 September 2012 - 27 September 2012
Submission Timeframe: 
20 August 2012 - 26 August 2012


In biophotonics optical tools are employed for the understanding and treatment of diseases, from the cellular level to macroscopic applications. At the cellular level, highly precise laser applications allow the manipulation, poration or stimulation of cells, even in living organisms or animals, like for example in optogenetics. Using fusion proteins, precise imaging and, in case of channelrhodopsin, precise switching of living cells in their environment is enabled and allows a deeper understanding of cellular processes. Furthermore, optical microscopy has been revolutionized by a thorough understanding of the different markers and their switching behaviour. Marker-free microscopy, like CARS, SHG or THG-microscopy is spreading into multiple biological and clinical imaging applications. Combination with microfluidics and chip-based technologies enables high-throughput for screening or manipulation applications.

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TOM 5 - Organic Photonics & Electronics (EOSAM 2012)

Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre, Scotland (GB)
25 September 2012 - 28 September 2012
Submission Timeframe: 
20 August 2012 - 26 August 2012


Organic semiconductors are a broad class of materials that comprise small molecules, conjugated polymers and carbon based nano-structures. The molecular structure of such materials in many cases permit charge transport, efficient light-harvesting, the existence of stable excitations and high fluorescence quantum efficiency; attributes vital for a number of optoelectonic applications such as light emitting diodes, photovoltaics and field effect transistors. By defining structure at sub-micron wavelength into organic media (either semiconducting or dielectric), the interaction between light and matter can be exploited to engineer novel effects. Here, a number of target applications have been identified including optical-sensors, lasers, optical-amplifiers, fibre-based communication systems and novel coatings.

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