Events Archive

Workshop on Sensing Applications Enabled by Silicon Photonics

Adlershof con. vent. Exhibition Centre - Rudower Chaussee 17 - 12489 Berlin - Germany
28 September 2016

Topics: Refractive index biosensing, mid IR sensing, Raman sensing, Lidar, LDV, OCT, etc.
Chair: Roel Baets, Ghent University (BE), and Goran Mashanovich, University of Southampton (UK)

Conference Dinner Cruise

Spree River, Berlin
28 September 2016

Time: Wednesday, 28 September, 18:30-21:30
Location: Cruise starting point at the Ernst-Ruska-Ufer dock, Adlershof (walking distance from Conference site). Ending at Friedrichstrasse.

  • 50 EUR (includes the buffet, drinks, cruise along the Spree River with main sights of Berlin, English-speaking tour guide)
  • 25 EUR for EOS Student members (individual student members or student members through Branch Societies)

Conference Dinner will be combined with a cruise along the Spree River, including main sights of Berlin. Delicious Buffet with drinks, including a tour guide (in English).

Tutorials on TOM Topics

Adlershof con. vent. Exhibition Centre - Rudower Chaussee 17 - 12489 Berlin - Germany
26 September 2016

TUTORIALS Of EOSAM 2016 on Monday September 26th 2016
Organized by Patricia SEGONDS

TOM 6 - Frontiers in Optical Metrology

Adlershof con. vent. Exhibition Centre - Rudower Chaussee 17 - 12489 Berlin - Germany
26 September 2016 - 30 September 2016


  • Ralf B. Bergmann, BIAS (DE)
  • Omar El Gawhary, VSL – Dutch Metrology Institute (NL)

Program Committee

  • Peter Lehmann, Fachgebiet Messtechnik, FB 16 Elektrotechnik / Informatik, Univ. Kassel (DE)
  • Michael Schulz, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig (DE)
  • Rainer Tutsch, Institut für Produktionsmesstechnik, Dept. 4 Mechanical Eng., TU Braunschweig (DE)
  • Wolfgang Osten, Inst. f. Technische Optik, Univ. Stuttgart (DE)
  • Günther Notni, Stiftungsprofessur Industrielle Bildverarbei-tung, Fak. f.

Student visit to the Competence Centre for Thin Film and Nanotechnology for Photovoltaics Berlin (PVcomB)

Schwarzschildstrasse 3, 12489 Berlin
26 September 2016


Time: 13:00-13:45 (45 min), Monday 26 September

You have an opportunity to visit the labs, where complex thin films for photovoltaic systems are measured. These systems are developed together with PVcomB’s industial partners. You will get an insight in the application related criteria of preparing and analyzing thin films as used in photovoltaic devices.

PVcomB is walking distance from the tutorial and summer school rooms (5-10 minutes).

Please note that registration is binding, as there is limited spaces in the visit.

No food is allowed in the labs so please have lunch before the visit.

Free for EOSAM student attendees.

Grand Challenges of Photonics Session

Adlershof con. vent. Exhibition Centre - Rudower Chaussee 17 - 12489 Berlin - Germany
26 September 2016 - 30 September 2016

For the fifth time, a special session of EOSAM is dedicated to the “Grand Challenges of Photonics ". In this session world-class speakers are going to talk about technologies which are revolutionary, uncommon and not realizable to date, but can pave the way for an even brighter future in optics and photonics.

TOM 3 - Optical System Design and Tolerancing

Adlershof con. vent. Exhibition Centre - Rudower Chaussee 17 - 12489 Berlin - Germany
26 September 2016 - 30 September 2016


  • Oliver Fähnle, FISBA AG (CH)
  • Wilhelm Ulrich, Carl Zeiss AG (DE)
  • Kimio Tatsuno, Koga Research Institute Inc. (JP)

Program Committee

  • Wilhelm Ulrich, Carl Zeiss AG (DE)
  • Kimio Tatsuno, Koga Research Institute Inc. Tokyo (JP)
  • Oliver Fähnle, FISBA AG (CH)
  • Rolf Rascher, Technische Hochschule Deggendorf THD, Deggendorf (DE)
  • Andreas Ettemeyer, Neutschnikum Buchs NTB, Buchs (CH)
  • Sven Schröder, IOF Fraunhofer, Jena (DE)
  • Konrad Wegener, ETH Zürich (CH)
  • Irina Livshits, NRU-ITMO, University of St.

Visit To The Institute Of Optical Sensor Systems

Adlershof con. vent. Exhibition Centre - Rudower Chaussee 17 - 12489 Berlin - Germany
26 September 2016

As Visit to the Institute of Optical Sensor Systems
Time: Monday, 26 September, 12:00-14:00
Location: Institute of Optical Sensor Systems, Rutherfordstrasse 2, 12489 Berlin, Germany
Includes walking lunch, Presentation of German Aerospace Center (DLR) activities, and Lab Tours to (1) Terahertz-Lab, (2) LIBS-Lab, and (3) Raman-Lab
During the visit there will be no tutorials.

Institute visit registration has ended. Visitor group full.

TOM 7 - Organic & Hybrid Semiconductor Materials and Devices

Adlershof con. vent. Exhibition Centre - Rudower Chaussee 17 - 12489 Berlin - Germany
26 September 2016 - 30 September 2016


  • David Lidzey , University of Sheffield (GB)
  • Guglielmo Lanzani, Instituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IT)
  • Davide Comoretto, University of Genova (IT)

Program Committee

  • Gianluca Farinola, University of Bari Aldo Moro (IT)
  • Francesco Quochi, University of Cagliari (IT)
  • David Beljonne, University of Mons (BE)
  • Giuseppe Gigli, University of Salento (IT)
  • Larry Luer, Institute Imdea, Madrid (ES)
  • Margherita Zavelani Rossi, Polytechnic University of Milan (IT)
  • Michele Muccini, ISMN, Instituto per lo dtudio dei materiali nanostrutturati, Roma (IT)
  • Konstantinos Petridis, Technological Educational Institute of Crete (GR)
  • Carlos Silva, University of Montreal (CA)
  • Stephane Kena-Cohen, Polytechnique Montreal (CA)
  • Malte Gather, University of St Andrews (UK)
  • Natalie Stingelin, Imperial College London

Summer School on Metrology for Thin Film Materials

Adlershof con. vent. Exhibition Centre - Rudower Chaussee 17 - 12489 Berlin - Germany
26 September 2016

Special Summer School on Metrology for Thin Films Materials, organized within the EMPR project ENG53 ThinErgy.

The Summer School will take place on Monday, 26 September 2016. The duration is all day.


Morning Session

8.45 : Omar El Gawhary (VSL): Opening and welcome to all participants.

9.00 : 10.30  Paul Urbach (TU Delft) – Current research on superresolution microscopy

10.30 : 10:45  Coffee break

10:45 : 12.00   Andreas Hertwig (BAM) Analysing thin films by spectroscopic ellipsometry: Accuracy, Traceability, and complex properties

12.00 : 14.00: Lunch. (Lunch is offered to all participants). Possibility for student visit to PVcomB (13:00-13:45)

Afternoon Session

14.00 : 15.30 Peter de Groot (Zygo) Interference microscopy and materials characterization.