TOM 6 - Frontiers in Optical Metrology
- Ralf B. Bergmann, BIAS (DE)
- Omar El Gawhary, VSL – Dutch Metrology Institute (NL)
Program Committee
- Peter Lehmann, Fachgebiet Messtechnik, FB 16 Elektrotechnik / Informatik, Univ. Kassel (DE)
- Michael Schulz, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig (DE)
- Rainer Tutsch, Institut für Produktionsmesstechnik, Dept. 4 Mechanical Eng., TU Braunschweig (DE)
- Wolfgang Osten, Inst. f. Technische Optik, Univ. Stuttgart (DE)
- Günther Notni, Stiftungsprofessur Industrielle Bildverarbei-tung, Fak. f. Maschinenbau, TU Illmenau (DE)
- Yukitoshi Otani, Utsunomiya University Center for Optical Research & Education, Otani (JP)
- Petro Sonin, VSL Dutch Metrology Institute (NL)
- Poul-Erik Hansen, Danish National Metrology Institute (DK)
- Andreas Hertwig, Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) (DE)
Plenary Speaker
- Peter J. de Groot, ZYGO (US)
Invited Speakers
- Cosme Furlong, Worcester Polytechnic Inst. (WPI), Worcester (MA) (US)
- Jürgen Czarske, University of Dresden (DE)
- Morten Hannibal Madsen, Danish National Metrology Institute (DFM) (DK)
- Bernd Bodermann, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig (PTB) (DE)
- Arie den Boef, ASML Research (NL)
- Mirza Karamehmedovic, Technical University of Denmark (DK)
- Karsten Frenner, University of Stuttgart (DE)
This Topical Meeting is designed as a forum for application-oriented basic and applied optical metrology tech-niques. This includes basic methods, fundamental limits, measurement techniques and their applications, foundations of applied metrology as well as future trends and topics. As optical metrology methods are gene-rally non-contact, non-destructive, fast, reliable, have a high precision and certain methods are suitable for rugged environments, optical metrology lends itself very much to industrial applications such as process deve-lopment, in line process control (e.g. roll-to-roll), and (in-process) quality control. However, since industrial demands are sometimes very specific and of course ever increasing, there is a continuous requirement for mo-re ruggedness, higher resolution, faster measurement and evaluation to name only a few constraints. This situ-ation not only calls for evolutionary improvement, but also asks for new ideas or even revolutionary breakth-roughs. Besides developing new methods and paradigms, also rigorous modeling and simulations deserve due attention, especially in the emerging fields of hybrid and holistic metrology. Finally, an assessment on the ab-solute performance in terms of resolution and measurement uncertainty stresses the role of traceability to internationally recognized primary metrology standards. These, in turn, translate into calibration efforts to obtain metrically valid and consistent results. EOSAM is an excellent opportunity not only to focus on the fron-tiers of optical metrology, but also to interact with many international experts on neighboring topics, such as Optical System Design, Biophotonics, Metamaterials or Diffractive Optics.
Topics include
- Interferometric techniques (Digital Holography, Shearing Interferometry, White-Light Interferometry etc.)
- Non-interferometric techniques (Geometrical optics e.g. Fringe Projection, Structured Light, Deflectometry)
- High precision metrology of large objects (3D imaging, 3D shape)
- Microscopy (2D and 3D-imaging, Optical Tomography, Quantitative Phase Imaging, non-interferometric phase sensitive microscopy, phase retrieval, high speed microscopy, microscopy in flows,etc.)
- Microscopy and imaging, high-NA systems, vectorial imaging, resolution-enhancement (superlensing, magneto-optics, plasmonics, field engineering, quantum-enhanced measurements)
- Computational photonics for metrology and rigorous electromagnetic simulations (Computational Shear Interfero-metry, image processing, scattering and diffraction problems)
- Non-imaging techniques (optical scatterometry, ellipsometry, Mueller-polarimetry)
- Non-destructive testing with optical methods (Inspection, monitoring, displacement, deformation, defect detection, aberration measurement)
- Measurement uncertainty, calibration and standards (Primary and transfer standards in nano-metrology, uncertain-ty budgeting)
- In-process measurement (3D- and 4D-Metrology, high speed techniques, defect detection)