TOM 4 - Diffractive Optics
Adlershof con. vent. Exhibition Centre - Rudower Chaussee 17 - 12489 Berlin - Germany
26 September 2016 - 30 September 2016 Chairs
- Paul Urbach, Delft University of Technology (NL)
- Jesús Lancis Sáez, Universitat Jaume (ES)
- Bernd Kleemann, Carl Zeiss AG (DE)
Program Committee
- Pierre Chavel, Institut d'Optique Palesseau (FR)
- Lifeng Li, Tsinghua University Beijing (CN)
- Hans-Peter Hertzig, University of Lausanne (CH)
- Uwe Zeitner, Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering IOF (DE)
- Jani Tervo, Microsoft HoloLens (FI)
- Pedro Andrés, Universitat de València (ES)
- Philippe Lalanne, Institut d'Optique Bordeaux (FR)
Plenary Speaker
- Ruediger Grunwald, Max Born Institute Berlin (DE)
Topical meetings in Diffractive Optics in this series have been organized on nine occasions before, in most ca-ses under the auspices of EOS (Savonlinna 1997, Jena 1999, Budapest 2001, Oxford 2003, Warsaw 2005, Barce-lona 2007, Koli 2010, Delft 2012, Berlin 2014). In 2014, Diffractive Optics was added as a new TOM within EOSAM. The conference was a success and, thus, it was decided that Diffractive Optics would once again be part of the bi-annual meeting of the EOS. Contributions are solicited on all areas of Diffractive Optics and all application fields are concerned, including life sciences, sensing, solid state lighting, and solar photonics.
Topics include
- Modelling of diffractive optics
- Diffractive optics and polarization
- Scattering by diffractive optical elements
- Inverse problems in diffraction optics
- Fabrication and characterisation, measurement and inspection
- Adaptive and switchable diffractive optics
- New materials for diffractive optics including metamaterials Beyond the diffraction limit
- Nonlinear diffraction theory
- Diffraction in inhomogeneous, anisotropic and media with nonlocal response
- Diffraction in transformation optics
- Mathematical methods