TOM 5 - Trends in Resonant Nanophotonics
Adlershof con. vent. Exhibition Centre - Rudower Chaussee 17 - 12489 Berlin - Germany
26 September 2016 - 30 September 2016 Chairs
- Riad Haidar, ONERA (FR)
- Nicolas Bonod, Institut Fresnel (FR)
- Femius Koenderink, AMOLF (NL)
Program Committee
- Alexandra Boltasseva, Purdue University (UK)
- Kurt Busch, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (DE)
- Andrea Fiore, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (NL)
- Stephan Goetzinger, Max Planck Institute (DE)
- N. Asger Mortensen, Technical University of Denmark (DK)
- Päivi Törmä, Aalto University (FI)
- Hendrik Paul Urbach, Technische Universiteit Delft (NL)
- Niek van Hulst, ICFO (ES)
- Silvia Vignolini, University of Cambridge (UK)
- William L.Barnes, University of Exeter (UK)
Plenary Speaker
- Michal Lipson,Columbia University in New York (US)
Invited Speakers
- Jérôme Wenger, Institut Fresnel (FR)
- Martti Kauranen, Tampere University of Technology (FI)
- Oliver Benson, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (DE)
- Jacopo Bertolotti, University of Exeter (UK)
- Patrick Bouchon, ONERA/CNRS Minao Lab (FR)
- Isabelle Staude, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (DE)
- Erik Garnett, FOM Institute AMOLF (NL)
- Otto Muskens, University of Southampton (UK)
- Carsten Rockstuhl, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (DE)
Nanophotonics aims at controlling light at nanometer scales. The design of nanostructures that can resonantly interact with light is of crucial importance to enhance light matter interactions and to control field distributi-ons at subwavelength scales. These novel nanostructures offer technical and technological solutions with high innovation potential. The TOM 5 will address both fundamental and application aspects of resonant photonics. Topics will cover quantum nano-optics, bio- and chemo- sensing, non-linear optics, metamaterials, optical
trapping, new plasmonic materials, theory and modal analysis, among others.
Topics include
- Quantum nano-optics & optical antennas
- Nanophotonics for bio- and chemo-sensing applications
- Active and tunable optical metamaterials
- Nonlinear optics in nanostructures and metamaterials
- Meta-surfaces & applications
- New plasmonic materials
- Nanomanipulation with light, optical trapping
- Nanophotonics for energy applications
- Nonreciprocity, and time-modulated nanophotonic materials
- Transport in quasiperiodic and random photonic systems
- Theory and modelling for nanophotonics and metamaterials, Topological photonics