Welcome to the website of the EOS focus group on Terahertz radiation! The main aim of the focus group is to foster collaboration between European researchers working with THz radiation and to become a starting point for researchers wishing to enter the THz field.
We have, rather arbitrarily, defined the THz frequency range as running from 0.1-10 THz, but researchers working outside this range are, of course, not excluded.
Currently, the focus group council consists of five members: Paul Planken (Chair, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands), Martin Koch (University of Braunschweig, Germany) , Jean-Louis Coutaz (University of Savoie, France), Daniel Dolfi (Thales, France) and Alessandro Trediccuci (Scuola Normale Superiore, Italy)
During the recent EOS annual meeting in Paris, during which the THz radiation focus group inauguration meeting was held, a number of decisions regarding the focus group activities were taken:
- It was decided that there will be a bi-annual focus group topical meeting on THz radiation, with the first to be held in 2008. This topical meeting will be held under the auspices of the EOS annual meeting which is held in Paris from September 29 to October 2, 2008.
- The focus group has decided that a European THz award will be given bi-annually, to a promising young (< 40 yr) scientist who has distinguished himself/herself for work performed in the area of THz science and technology. The award consists of (at least) 1000 Euro and is currently sponsored by the company Femtolasers from Vienna, Austria. The award will be presented during the bi-annual THz radiation focus group topical meeting in a special ceremony.
- In the future, the website will also offer a platform for researchers willing to collaborate with others. Few research groups have in their possession all the facilities that they need for their research. The idea is that each participating lab lists the available equipment (lasers, fabrication technologies etc.) and setups (imaging, spectroscopy etc.) on the focus group website so that researchers can make a more informed decision on whom to contact for possible collaborations. We note, however, that this will be done on a voluntary basis only. It is not required to become a THz radiation focus group member!