The FG Imaging is an association of people engaged in optical imaging in terms of
- methodology
- instrumentation
- optical design
- Simulation
Basic idea: Optical imaging is applied in several fields that can and should learn from each other.
- Platform for the communication between experts from science and industry
- For the EOS (see mission statement)
- Identification of new trends in optical imaging
- Contributes to presence and visibility of optics and photonics on the European level
- For members
- Quicker access to imaging related information
- Who can do what?
- Connect to peers, establish contacts.
- Find problem solvers or solution needers
- Launch mutual projects on European level
- Get new ideas...
List of fields
- Microscopy
- Lithography
- Optical data storage
- Three-dimensional imaging
- Interferometric imaging
- Polarization imaging
- Super-resolution and sub-wavelength imaging
- Optical coherence tomography
- Adaptive optics
- Near field imaging
- Quantum imaging
- Image analysis
- Noise in images
- Inverse problems
- Image modeling including rigorous numerical methods