TOM 7 - Organic & Hybrid Semiconductor Materials and Devices

Delft, Netherlands
8 October 2018 - 12 October 2018



David Lidzey,
University of Sheffield (Great Britain)
Francesco Scotognella,
Politecnico of Milan (Italy)
Davide Comoretto,
University of Genova (Italy)



Many molecular and polymeric semiconductor materials are able to absorb or emit light with high-efficiency, providing the foundation for applications in technologies ranging from optical communication devices to energy harvesting and storage. By combining organic and inorganic materials together, so-called hybrid systems can also be created that possess properties not achievable in either material system alone. For example, organometal halide perovskites, nanocrystals and their polymer nanocomposites, graphene like materials and 2D semiconductors are now of significant interest as materials for photovoltaics, LEDs and lasers. Bio-photonics also represents an emerging opportunity to develop new types of functional, hybrid system. This topical meeting aims to bring together the community of physicists, chemists, material scientists and engineers having an interest in the application in photonics, light-harvesting and light emission in order to provide an overview of the state of the art and a vision for future technologies. Our session considers fundamental theory, basic spectroscopy and device studies. We aim to cover a broad range of topics, including organic lasers and laser devices, perovskite photovoltaics and lasers, organic light emitting diodes and photovoltaic devices, biologically inspired photonics and devices, nano-photonic materials and systems, microcavities and polariton-based optics, photonic sensors, photonic-crystals and self-assembled photonic structures, and spectroscopy of organic and hybrid semiconductors.


Plenary Speaker

Jenny Nelson, Imperial College, United Kingdom
Jenny Nelson is a Professor of Physics at Imperial College London, where she has researched novel varieties of material for use in solar cells since 1989. Her current research is focussed on understanding the properties of molecular semiconductor materials and their application to organic solar cells. This work combines fundamental electrical, spectroscopic and structural studies of molecular electronic materials with numerical modelling and device studies, with the aim of optimising the performance of solar cells based on molecular and hybrid materials. Since 2010 she has been working together with the Grantham Institute for Climate Change to explore the mitigation potential of photovoltaic, and other renewable, technologies. She has published over 200 articles in peer reviewed journals, several book chapters and a book on the physics of solar cells. She was awarded the 2009 Institute of Physics Joule Prize and medal and the 2012 Royal Society Armourers and Brasiers Company Prize for her research.
Research areas:
- Multi-scale modelling of molecular electronic materials
- Device physics of organic and hybrid solar cells
- Electronic, spectoscopic and structural characterisation of molecular electronic materials
- Mitigation potential of solar photovoltaic technology


Invited Speakers

  • Francesco di Stasio, ICFO Barcelona, Spain; Optoelectronic devices based on perovskite nanocrystals synthesized at room temperature
  • Nicholas Borys, Berkeley Labs/Montana State, United States of America; Nano-optical imaging of exciton localization and bound excitons in 2D semiconductors
  • Samuel Stranks, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom; Eliminating non-radiative losses and ion micration in halide perovskite structures
  • Petra Cameron, University of Bath, United Kingdom; Understanding the Effect of Cation Substitution on Perovskite Solar Cells
  • Riccardo Sapienza, Imperial College London, United Kingdom; Biocompatible organic random lasing for biosensing
  • Clément Cabanetos, Moltech University of Angers, France; Bromination of the Benzothioxanthene bloc: pi-Conjugated Systems for Organic Electronic Applications
  • Ajay Ram Srinivasa Srimath Kandada, Georgia Tech, United States of America; Peculiar exciton physics in two dimensional lead-halide perovskites: structural arguments and multi-body effects
  • Dario Ballarini, CNR NANOTEC Lecce, Italy; Hybrid semiconductor materials for room temperature polaritonics
  • Christoph Gadermaier, Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia; Photophysics of 2d semiconductors
  • Larisa Florea, Dublin City University, Ireland; Direct Laser Writing of Soft, Spatially Arranged Periodic 3D Structures


Topics include

  • Spectroscopy of functional organic, polymeric and hybrid-semiconductor materials
  • Photovoltaics and photodetectors based on organic-semiconductors and perovskites
  • Lifetime, stability and manufacture-techniques for emerging photovoltaic devices
  • Lasing and amplification in organic and perovskite materials
  • Polaritons in strong-coupled organic and hybrid-semiconductor microcavities
  • Photonic crystals and self-assembled photonic structures
  • Biologically-inspired photonics
  • Photonics for biological applications
  • Organic light emitting diodes and light emitting transistors
  • Light-sources for optical communications
  • Sensor devices based on organic, polymeric and hybrid semiconductor materials
  • Theory of optical and electronic excitations
  • Synthesis and design of new materials for photonics
  • Hybrid nanocrystal-organic systems
  • Polymers and polymer nanocomposites for photonics
  • Hybrid 2D materials-organic systems (including graphene and 2D transition metal dichalcogenides)


Program Committee

  • Margherita Zavelani-Rossi, Polytechnic University of Milan (IT)
  • David Beljonne, University of Mons (BE)
  • Michele Muccini, ISMN, Istituto per lo Studio dei Materiali Nanostrutturati, Roma (IT)
  • Konstantinos Petridis, Technological Educational Institute of Crete (GR)
  • Carlos Silva, Georgia Tech (USA)
  • Stephane Kena-Cohen, Polytechnique Montreal (CA)
  • Malte Gather, University of St Andrews (UK)
  • Natalie Stingelin, Georgia Tech (USA)
  • Guglielmo Lanzani, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IT)
  • Daniele Sanvitto, CNR Nanotec (IT)
  • Paul N Stavrinou, University of Oxford (UK)
  • Adam Proń, Warsaw University of Technology (PL)
  • Jean Roncali, University of Angers (FR)
  • Elizabeth Von Hauff, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (NL)
  • Gianluca Farinola (University of Bari, Organic Chemistry)