European Optical Society Biennial Meeting (EOSAM) 2018

Delft, Netherlands
8 October 2018 - 12 October 2018

Venue: TU Delft Aula Conference Center, Address: Mekelweg 5, 2628 CD Delft, Netherlands



Submission timeframe
Post-deadline Submission timeframe
1 December 2017- 31 May 2018  (Extended)
10 July - 15 August

Informing authors about acceptance

29 June 2018
Detailed program 30 July 2018
Industrial posters 31 May 2018
Early Bird Registration until 2 September 2018
Presenter Registration by 15 September

Detailed Program

The detailed program with speech times is available online: Detailed program

Small changes within the program are possible. EOS reserves the right to changes within the schedule.

Overview Schedule for Monday 8 October Tutorials, Autumn Physics School and Welcome reception (Click the image to enlarge)

Overview Schedule of EOSAM 9-12 October (Click the image to enlarge)

EOSAM 2018 at a glance

General Chairs

Stefan Bäumer,
Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research, TNO,
the Netherlands

Paul Urbach,
Delft University of Technology,
the Netherlands


EOS biennial Meeting will be held in the Delft University of Technology, in October 08 - 12, 2018 where the latest results in optics and photonics research will be presented. Netherlands is the hot spot for photonics in Europe and the strong optics research and industry in Delft makes it a perfect location to hold the upcoming symposium.

The meeting includes several topical meetings, tutorials, industrial exhibition, welcome reception, special sessions for EU projects and Grand Challenges in Photonics, and more. The week includes over 350 presentations, and over 70 invited speeches.

The networking dinner will be held in the Porcelijne Fles (the Royal Dutch Pottery manufacturer). As seating is limited (200 seats), remember to register in advance!

The Industrial Exhibition introduces several companies to the meeting attendees and a Meet&Greet event offers companies and students a platform for networking, sponsored by TNO. This is a great opportunity for students looking for a job or internship, as well as companies looking for new talents.

The Topical Meetings (TOMs) include:

TOM 1- Silicon Photonics and Guided-Wave Optics
TOM 2- Freeform Optics for Illumination, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality
TOM 3- Optical System Design, Tolerancing, and Manufacturing
TOM 4- Bio-Medical Optics
TOM 5- Metamaterials, Plasmonics and Resonant Nanophotonics
TOM 6- Frontiers in Optical Metrology
TOM 7- Organic & Hybrid Semiconductor Materials and Devices
TOM 8- Adaptive Optics & Information driven optical systems
TOM 9- Optical tapered fibers for light manipulation on the nanoscale - NEW


Plenary Speakers

  • Laurent Vivien, University Paris Sacle and CNRS France; Silicon nanophotonics  - the past, present and future (TOM 1)
  • Sven Kiontke, Asphericon, Germany; Industrial fabrication of aspheres: challenges and myths (TOM 3)
  • Benjamin Vakoc, Wellman Center for Photomedicine, Harvard Medical School, United States of America; High-Speed and Long-Range Circular Ranging OCT (TOM 4)
  • Jean-Jacques Greffet, Institut d'Optique, France (TOM 5)
  • Alain Diebold, SUNY Polytechnic Institute, Albany, United States of America; Application of Mueller Matrix Spectroscopic Ellipsometry to  Scatterometry based Measurement of Feature Shape and Dimension (TOM 6)
  • Jenny Nelson, Imperial College, United Kingdom (TOM 7)
  • Laura Waller, Berkeley University, United States (TOM 8)


Grand Challenges Session Speakers




Submission timeframe: 1 December 2017- 31 May, 2018  (EXTENDED)
Post-deadline Submission open until 15 August, 2018
Informing authors about acceptance: 29 June, 2018

Best student oral and poster presentations awarded (sponsored by ZEISS).

See instructions for creating a user account/submitting from existing user account here.
Authors are requested to submit an extended abstract of two pages with at least one figure. The abstract must be formatted according to the EOS abstract guidelines, which can be downloaded here. You might wish to use either the Word or LaTeX template.

Contributions will be accepted for oral and poster presentations (please indicate your preference). At least one author is requested to register for the meeting separately from the abstract submission. All submitted abstracts will be added in the event proceedings.

Invited Speakers are requested to submit a title and short abstract (300 characters) by 22 April, 2018. An extended abstract of two pages is welcomed but not mandatory. Any 2-page abstracts will be added to the event proceedings.


Register here:

 Registration fees (excl. VAT) ¹⁾  Early Bird Fees ( until 2 September)  Standard fees (after 2 September) 
EOS member ²⁾   465 €  565 €
Non-member     595 €  695 €
Student EOS member ²⁾  240 €  305 €
Student Non-member     290 €  360 €

JOIN EOS and receive the Membership discount
- 50 EUR Full Individual Membership
- 10 EUR Full Student Membership

The registration fee includes full-time admission to the topical meetings and sessions, admission to the industrial exhibition, poster sessions, welcome reception, lunches, and coffee breaks. Tutorials and Autumn Physics school are also included in the registration fee.
Conference dinner fee of 50 EUR will be added to the registration fee if chosen.
¹⁾ VAT excluded for Non-EU companies, EU companies and businesses (except Finland) with VAT number.
Private persons, as well as companies and businesses in Finland with VAT number: VAT 24% added, according to the Finnish VAT act §69H.
If you are entitled to VAT excluded price at the registration phase, you are required to either announce the VAT number or your nationality (if outside EU) while registering.
²⁾  Members of the European Optical Society (EOS), and members of EOS Partner Societies are entitled to register with EOS member fees.


Special EOSAM issue in JEOS:RP

A special issue on EOSAM topics will be published, and all authors are invited to submit. A selection of the best articles will receive discount from the APC, or a complete fee waivering.

Presenters at EOSAM are kindly invited to consider the submission of a manuscript of their research to the EOS open-access on-line journal JEOS: RP (Journal of the European Optical Society, Rapid Publications)

JEOS:RP publishes articles about recent scientific research and technological innovation as well as review papers about a topic in science or innovation from the recent past. A contribution should be original and will be subjected to the journal’s standard anonymous peer review process for scientific quality.


The meeting is organized in co-operation with the Dutch Optics Centre, TU Delft , TNO, PhotonicsNL and the International Commission for Optics (ICO).
For more information on the meeting/exhibition spaces, please contact the EOS Office:

European Optical Society
Länsikatu 15
FI-80110 Joensuu

+358 50 592 4693



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