InTopSens - a highly INTegrated OPtical SENSor for point-of-care label-free identification of pathogenic bacteria strains and their antibiotic resistance.

Area of relevance: 
Information and Communication
1 September 2008 - 31 August 2011
KTH, Sweden
Funded by: 
European Commission, EU


InTopSens is a multidisciplinary project involving the emerging fields of photonics structures, electronics, fluidics and bio-chemistry, to contribute to the development of high value sensor technology for sepsis. This objective will be addressed through the demonstration of a compact polymer and silicon-based CMOS-compatible photonics sensor system which integrates two label-free biomolecular recognition photonic sensor technologies with sensitivities ≥0.1ng per ml, state-of-the-art in label-free integrated optical biosensors, with novel coupling technology permitting hundreds of sensing areas on a 1mm2 chip. This offers the further advantageous possibility of assaying several parameters simultaneously leading to further increases in the reliability and reductions in the measurement uncertainty of a diagnostic over single-parameter assays with the novel diagnostic technology having the potential to be fast and easy to use, making routine screening or monitoring of bacteria causing sepsis and their antibiotic resistance determination more cost-effective.