5th EOS Topical Meeting on Terahertz Science & Technology (TST 2016)
Registration now open
Conference Topics
- Emission of THz radiation (QCLs, HEMTs, FELs, synchrotrons, nonlinear optics etc.)
- Detection of THz radiation (quantum dots, single photon detectors, time- gated, transistors etc.)
- THz integrated optics, waveguiding, plasmonics, metamaterials, photonic crystals
- Interaction of THz radiation with matter (dielectrics, semiconductors, nanostructured materials, graphene, liquid-state dynamics, chemistry, biology, ultrafast spectroscopy etc.)
- Nonlinear phenomena induced by THz radiation
- THz far-field and near-field imaging, THz microscopy and microspectroscopy
- Remote sensing of gases and chemical / biological agents
- THz applications (security, telecom, remote detection etc.)
Preliminary Programm
Invited speakers
Keynote speaker
- Rupert Huber (University of Regensburg, Germany): Sub-cycle terahertz physics: from ultrastrong to ultrasmall
MasterClass speakers
- Alfred Leitenstorfer (University of Konstanz, Germany): Time-domain quantum physics
- Franz Kaertner (MIT, USA and CFEL, Germany): THz-driven electron manipulation (acceleration and electron gun)
- Joo-Hiuk Son (University of Seoul): Clinical applications of THz biological sensing
Invited Speakers
- Heinz-Wilhelm Hübers (Technical University Berlin and German Aerospace Center, Germany): Heterodyne spectroscopy at 4.7 THz with a quantum cascade laser on board of SOFIA
- Kodo Kawase (Nagoya University, Japan): Non-destructive THz imaging of chemicals using is-TPG
- Iwao Kawayama (Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University, Japan): Probing solar cells with a laser terahertz emission microscope
- Ajay Nahata (Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Utah, USA): Negative Refractive Index THz Waveguides
- Makoto Nakajima (Osaka University): Ultrafast spin dynamics and control using enhanced Terahertz magnetic fields by metallic microstructure
- Markus Rösch (ETH Zürich): On-chip terahertz dual-combs based on quantum
cascade lasers - Masahiko Tani (Research Center for Development of Far-Infrared Region, University of Fukui, Japan): Non-ellipsometric electro-optic sampling detection of THz pulses based on Cherenkov phase-matching
- Zoltan Mics (Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Germany):
Thermodynamic picture of THz conduction in graphene - Carlo Vicario (Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland): Strong-field THz drives electro-magnetic nonlinear dynamics in GaP and
ferromagnets - Stephan Winnerl (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf): Surprising Coulomb scattering effects in graphene revealed by time-resolved THz spectroscopy
Conference venue
Hotel Palatinus, Pecs, Hungary (http://www.danubiushotels.hu/szallodak-pecs/hotel-palatinus)
Submission Timeframe: 4 January - 15 February 2016
Notification to authors: 9 March 2016
Publication of the Advance Programme: 23 March 2016
Abstract Submission
Authors are requested to submit an abstract of a minmum of 500 words and a maximum of two pages and preferably with at least one figure.
Please use the EOS abstract temlate for your submission. Contributions will be accepted for oral and poster presentation, please indicate preference. All accepted contributions are to be published on the EOS Topical Meeting Proceedings.
Online system for abstract submission is now open: https://www.conftool.com/tst2016/.
Conference chairs
- Janos Hebling (University of Pecs, HU)
- Alessandro Tredicucci (Scuola Normale Superiore, IT)
Programme Committee
- Richard Averitt (University of California, San Diego, US)
- Michael I. Bakunov (University of Nizhny Novgorod, RU)
- Christoph Peter Hauri (Ecole Pol. Féd. Lausanne, CH)
- Manfred Helm (HZDR, DE)
- Martin Koch (Philipps University Marburg, DE)
- Petr Kuzel (Acad. of Sci. of Czech Rep., Inst. Phys., CZ)
- Alfred Leitenstorfer (University of Konstanz, DE)
- Daniel M. Mittleman (Rice University, US)
- Jérome Tignon (ENS Paris, FR)
- Masayoshi Tonouchi (Osaka University, JP)
- Karl Unterrainer (TU Vienna, AT)
- Miriam Serena Vitiello (CNR Inst. Nanoscienze, IT)
- Xi-Cheng Zhang (University of Rochester, US)
Coordinator of Local Organizing Committee
Jozsef Andras Fülöp (University of Pecs, HU)
TST2016 Regitsration
Register Here
EARLY BIRD Fees (until 24 April 2016) |
LATE / ON-STIE Fees (beginning 25 April 2016) |
Member** | 440 € | 490 € |
Non-Members | 500 € | 550 € |
Student Members** | 280 € | 330 € |
Student Non-Members | 310 € | 360 € |
Invited Speakers | 330 € | 330 € |
*VAT excluded for Non-EU companies, EU companies and businesses (except Finland) with VAT number. EU companies and businesses with VAT number: reverse charge for VAT payment applied according to the Finnish VAT act §65 and EU VAT directive articles 44 and 196.
Private persons, companies and businesses in Finland with VAT number: VAT 24% added, according to the Finnish VAT act §69H.
If you are entitled to VAT excluded price at the registration phase, you are required to either announce the VAT number or your nationality (if outside EU) while registering.
**Members of the European Optical Society (EOS), Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP), Optical Society of Korea (OSK), the Optical Society of Japan (OSJ), and the Chinese Optical Society (COS) are entitled to register with EOS member fee.
Travel information
Shuttle bus transfer (http://www.travel4you.hu/) between Budapest Airport (BUD, http://www.bud.hu/english) and your hotel in Pecs can be reserved.
Please fill in the shuttle bus request form and send it to the following e-mail address: tst2016@fizika.ttk.pte.hu.
Some of the recommended hotels are as follows:
1. Hotel Palatinus
- Conference venue.
- Discounted prices for conference attendees.
- Room reservation form.
2. Corso Hotel
- Within walking distance from the conference venue.
3. Hotel Makár
- Public transport can be used to get to the conference venue.
4. Hotel Arkadia
- Within walking distance from the conference venue.
Presenters at the 5th EOS Topical Meeting on Terahertz Science & Technologies (TST 2016) are kindly invited to consider the submission of a manuscript about their research to the EOS open-access on-line journal JEOS: RP (Journal of the European Optical Society, Rapid Publications, www.jeos.org). A 20% discount will be applied to the author fee. JEOS:RP publishes articles about recent scientific research and technological innovation as well as review papers about a topic in science or innovation from the recent past. A contribution should be original and will be subjected to the journal’s standard anonymous peer review process for scientific quality. The average time-to-publication of the journal is of the order of 75 days.. The copyright of a published paper resides entirely with the author.
When submitting your manuscript, please, mention the research results were presented in TST 2016.
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