7th International Summer School New Frontiers in Optical Technologies
Tampere, Finland
5 August 2013 - 9 August 2013 This year's event will build on the success of previous Schools, in particular that of 2011, which attracted a record 208 participants from 29 countries. In 2013, the School will once again offer students and researchers the opportunity to exchange scientific ideas, create contacts, and gain inspiration from leading professionals at the cutting edge of optical technology. However, in order to ensure a more relaxed, comfortable learning environment, the places are limited to about 150 participants.
General topics (preliminary)
- Lasers and ultrafast phenomena
- Nanophotonics and plasmonics
- Novel materials
- THz technology
- Quantum optics
List of lecturers
- Prof. Ursula Keller, ETH (CH): "Frontiers of ultrafast laser technologies"
- Prof. Peter Nordlander, Rice University (US): "Nanophotonics, plasmonics"
- Prof. Andrea C. Ferrari, University of Cambridge (UK): "Graphene photonics"
- Prof. Edmund H. Lindfield, Leeds University (UK): "Semiconductor devices for THz emission and detection"
- Prof. Henning Riechert, Paul-Drude-Institute for Solid State Electronics (DE): "Nanowires for optoelectronics"
- Rüdiger Paschotta, RP Photonics (DE): "Noise in lasers and amplifiers"
- and others to be added at a later time
Further information