European Support Instruments for Optical Components Manufacturers

International Congress Centre Munich (ICM), Germany
25 May 2011

European Support Instruments for Optical Components Manufacturers is a  special session of EOSMOC 2011 - the 2nd EOS Conference on Manufacturing of Optical Components, to be held from 23 - 25 May 2011 in Munich, DE, under the umbrella of the World of Photonics Congress.  

Chairs of this Special Session

  • Pierre Chavel, CNRS / Institut d'Optique / France
  • Olivier Parriaux, Université St. Etienne / France


The 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technology Development of the European Commission includes a set of measures known as "coordination and support actions" to help to the spreading of research results and skills to domains where they could be taken up for the benefit of society.

European Support Instruments for Optical Components is a special session at EOSMOC 2011, where information will be given on FP 7 funded projects relevant to the manufacturing of optical components and on other opportunities that allow for fostering technological progress through these projects.


Invited Speakers

  • Ronan Burgess, Deputy Head of the Photonics Unit, DG INFSO - European Commission, BE
  • Jürgen Mohr, Karlsruher Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute of Micro Structure Technology, DE
  • Hugo Thienpont, Department of Applied Physics and Photonics, Vrije Universiteit Brussels, BE

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Venue, Travel and Accomodation





Renate Rebmann (M.A.)
European Optical Society (EOS)
Communications and Event Manager

Hollerithallee 8
30419 Hannover

Phone: +49-511-2788-159
Fax: +49-511-2788-119

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