Exhibitor Details
CeramOptec GmbH
Industrial Sales
Siemensstraße 44
53121 Bonn
CeramOptec GmbH is a medium sized company, located in Bonn, Germany and specialized in producing quartz glass multimode step-index fibers. Our product range contains fibers and cables for industrial application as well as fiber bundles for spectroscopy, laser application, sensor technology etc.
Product overview:
• Preforms of synthetic quartz glass
• Silica/Silica fibers for UV/VIS/NIR
with NA 0.12, NA 0.22, NA 0,28, NA 0,37 etc.
• Non Circular Core Fibers for UV/VIS/NIR
• Silica/Hard Polymer Fibers (NA 0.37, NA 0.48)
• Silver halide fibers for wavelengths MIR
with NA 0.13, NA 0.25
• Fiber cables (standard and customized)
• Fiber bundles (customized)
We are pleased to welcome you at our booth at EOSAM 2012.