Photonics21 Student Innovation Award 2015
For the sixth time the ETP Photonics21 announces the Photonics21 Student Innovation Award. The prize will be handed over in the frame of the Photonics21 Annual Meeting on the 29th of May 2015.
The Research, Education and Training work group of the Photonics21 Technology Platform has established a prize for students in the field of photonics in order to promote research in photonics especially related to R&D with industrial impact.
Any person under 35 and active in the field of optics and photonics may apply for the Photonics21 Student Innovation Award. The award consists of a certificate, a trophy as well as a cash prize of € 5,000.
Applicants must submit the following documents:
- The completed application form,
- One letter of support (by a supervisor or mentor),
- A short (2 page) biography/CV
- A list of peer reviewed publications
- A description of the innovative R&D work (not exceeding 4 pages of A4, 12 point text), making clear the nature of innovation potential impact to industry
The application deadline for participating in the Photonics21 Student Innovation Award 2015 is the 30th of January 2015. Applications can be sent via e-mail to
If you would like to sponsor either the Photonics21 Annual Meeting or the Student Innovation Award, please download the presentation for more information or contact the Ph21 Secretariat at