Abstract submission - How to submit?

Abstract submission for EOS events


Submission conditions

Please read the following conditions carefully, before you submit an abstract:

  • Contributions will be accepted for  either oral or poster presentation. Please indicate your preference.
  • At least one author is requested to register properly, attend the event and present the abstract as scheduled.
  • Abstracts must be formatted according to the EOS abstract guidelines [www.myeos.org/system/files/abstractguidelines.pdf]. Do not submit abstracts that do not correspond to our guidelines. Your abstract will be published in the proceedings as submitted!
  • All accepted abstracts will be published in the EOS Meeting Digest (CD-ROM).
  • All summaries of accepted abstracts will be published in the advance and final programme.
  • The EOS is authorized to circulate your abstract to chairs and programme committee members for review purposes.
  • To ensure the high quality of our topical meetings, conferences and workshops, all abstracts will be reviewed by the Chairs and Programme Committee. In agreement with the Programme Committee, the EOS has the right to reject any abstract that does not meet quality or content requirements.

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Before submitting an abstract


How to submit?

Please go to the main page www.myeos.org and choose from the block "Open Calls for Papers" on the left side of the page the topical meeting/conference for which you intend to submit an abstract. You will be redirected to the EDAS submission system. The submission is a two-step process: you register first the paper and afterwards you upload the file. Without the file upload the submission is not completed!

Users with existing EDAS account:

Firstly, register your paper. Afterwards, you will be able to add authors and submit the manuscript (file).
  • Title of paper: Insert here the complete title of your abstract.
  • Keywords: If assigning keywords, please separate them by semicolons.
  • Add yourself as author: Tick the box.
  • Summary: Insert a summary of your abstract.
  • Language: Use the dropdown list to select the right spelling (American, British, Canadian).
  • Presentation style: Use the dropdown list to select the presentation style (regular oral presentation; regular oral presentation - student; poster presentation; poster presentation - student).    
  • Topics: Assign up to 3 topics to your paper.
  • Click on "submit" and you will receive a confirmation e-mail.
Afterwards, you can add authors and submit the manuscript (file). Your contribution can be modified at any time before the submission deadline.

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Users without EDAS account:

Firstly, create an account at https://edas.info. You will receive a confirmation e-mail. After the login, please go to the main EOS page www.myeos.org and choose from the block "Open Calls for Papers" on the left side of the page the topical meeting/conference for which you intend to submit an abstract. Now you will be able to register your paper.
  • Title of paper: Insert here the complete title of your abstract.
  • Keywords: If assigning keywords, please separate them by semicolons.
  • Add yourself as author: Tick the box.
  • Summary: Insert a summary of your abstract.
  • Language: Use the dropdown list to select the right spelling (American, British, Canadian).
  • Presentation style: Use the dropdown list to select the presentation style (regular oral presentation; regular oral presentation - student; poster presentation; poster presentation - student).    
  • Topics: Assign up to 3 topics to your paper.
  • Click on "submit" and you will receive a confirmation e-mail.
Afterwards, you can add authors and submit the manuscript (file). Your contribution can be modified at any time before the submission deadline.

Abstracts can only be submitted via the online submission system.



For questions or technical problems, please contact us at info@myeos.org.

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